• Reading time:2 mins read

Never have I ever thought relationship is easy nor have I ever taken it for granted ...I would prefer not to be modest here and rather in retrospect -look out for reasons which attributed towards building this beautiful bond with him #12years There are many, if I have to start pointing out. Although key…

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

London with its rich tapestry of landmarks, museums, and neighborhoods, the British capital offered us an unforgettable journey through the ages. We began our exploration with a visit to its most iconic landmarks. First, we marveled at the grandeur of Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the British monarchy, and witnessed the Changing of…

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  • Reading time:10 mins read

“Repose, leisure, peace, belong among the elements of happiness”- Josef Pieper I often wondered 🧐 when we go on exploring a new country or a far distant place, the whole agenda shifts from relaxing to carrying a whole bunch of things to do, food to try, culture to merge ourselves into, and days &…

Continue ReadingStay at Bab Al Shams Desert Resort, Dubai
  • Reading time:7 mins read

"The higher the better. It's more about an attitude. High heels empower women in a way."  -Christian Louboutin Ever wondered wearing just one classic piece of accessories can make you feel so confident. You can feel the difference in the way you carry yourself, the way you walk, the way you talk. For me…

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

In these overwhelming times, gone are those days when the weekend was meant to be laying around in bed and do nothing. 🙆🏻‍♀️ It may give us an illusion that we are relaxing versus where we know the only way to feel relaxed is to get our head on straight. 🤔 "Ordinary people think…

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Have you heard this song by Imagine Dragons…. 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins....I do whatever it takes'…..🎶 Well, I did whatever it took to feel adrenaline in my veins!!!! Who doesn’t like flying? However, the thought of jumping from an airplane from 13,000 ft sounds shit scary, and never have I…

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Hello there!! How are you?  Look at this laptop cover… isn’t it beautiful? I quite liked it. Well, I know it’s just a cover and nothing fancy about it… but hold on, hear me out. What if I tell you, having a world map has always helped me to get things in perspective. WHATTTTT???…

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Finally, I made it!!! After hours of procrastination and trying ample of times to start a blog and then to get tied up in the daily realities of life… here I am, writing my very first blog post. Hurrayyyyy!!!  Well, I am super excited to start with…  As there is so much I would like…

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