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Never have I ever thought relationship is easy nor have I ever taken it for granted …I would prefer not to be modest here and rather in retrospect -look out for reasons which attributed towards building this beautiful bond with him #12years

There are many, if I have to start pointing out. Although key things are all those same things what has been said for centuries now…. just as they say- we really respected each other’s thoughts, journey, decisions, goals, hardships, individuality and never got distracted from what we had vision for our bond …for ourselves …

Kept nurturing it only to realize what we feel now is outcome of our own choice and efforts …and trust me, love and comfort level just compounds (provided that you invest and be consistent with it)

I wish everyone gives that same commitment and nurturing. It requires for any relationship in life!!  (Be it be friendship or with spouse or any form of relationship). I do think all are formed on same basic fundamentals …

It’s not easy (as I keep saying this) but if was that easy it won’t be worthwhile either!!

And what you receive in the process of having this healthy, stable and rock steady relationship is beyond everything! Bond you will create in process will guide you, support you, will work as your weapon to keep going when times are low, will make you resilient more than you think you are!

Give yourself a chance to feel in love and to reap rewards when you stick to it!!