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Have you heard this song by Imagine Dragons….

‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins….I do whatever it takes’…..🎶

Well, I did whatever it took to feel adrenaline in my veins!!!!


Who doesn’t like flying?

However, the thought of jumping from an airplane from 13,000 ft sounds shit scary, and never have I ever thought in my dreams I will be able to do it. Until one day I did it!!! ✈️

Life has been a constant playground for me to explore and experiment. I always felt sitting on the couch and thinking of ‘what if I do this will never take me on the road of clarity. Action will!

And yes, through skydive it was a chance for me to explore a side of my personality.

To share with you few details, I did Skydive in Dubai where you will be taken to a height of 13,000 ft via plane. From there you will have to jump off with your instructor and the cameraman at over 120 miles per hour which is 193 Km/hr (That’s right!).

skydive Dubai

We often ponder the meaning of life. I guess, it is in our nature to be fascinated by the unknown.

However, we forget to ask the right question which is ‘What is it that will make me feel alive?’

Of course, answer to that is not jumping off the plane but rather to try things which you think resonate with yourself. When we experience something, which is true to ourselves- We feel at home. We feel blissful. We feel alive!

So here I was super curious and over the top excited, all ready to take off. I felt like ‘This is it’ moment. Except when you are doing it for the first time you don’t know how your body, mind, emotions will respond.

Skydive Dubai

That’s how they start…..One …two… three… and you jump! I jumped out of a plane. (Oh yes, this was so real)

I promised myself I will not close my eyes and face the wind directly even if it seems daunting.

I remember it vividly as if it has happened yesterday and the first couple of seconds all I was thinking that I am going to die for sure which followed by a brief moment …where literally you feel nothing else. You see this endless, limitless and beautiful land with a bird’s eye view. 

Air pressure was super high and you experience the pure beauty of freefall. That strong pull towards gravity, mind you its 193km/hr we are talking !!!

What would it feel like when we are reminded to be conscious of every single breath we take?

What would it be like to be so consumed in that one millisecond that we forget everything else?

“I felt every breath. I felt every heartbeat. I felt life. I felt limitless.”

I was surprised by myself especially, with my comfort level of being in the unknown and knowing that heights don’t scare me… falling doesn’t as well. Truly, every beautiful thing is on the other side of what we fear the most.

And just like that, I got introduced to brave ‘Ankeeta’ inside me!!!

I no longer viewed life as a journey to survive rather as an experience where I feel my existence.

The most BLISSFUL experience of my life ever.

“I want to live, but getting close to death is the only way to feel alive. And once you do, it makes you realize that everything you were actually doing before wasn’t actually living. It was just making do. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high. ― V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows”

Sky dive

In case you are interested, all the details can be found on the SkyDive Dubai website:

Take that risk. Be bold. You will be amazed by the magnificent nature of life.