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O-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh….In the Jungle, the mighty jungle, the lions sleep tonight. In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lions sleep tonight….

“Some places where one travels, drinks, eats, explores the city, immerses oneself in the culture, and comes back with tons of memories. and then others touch your soul on so many levels… Kenya was this for us. To call it a mere holiday will be an understatement. For us, it was love at first sight.”

Traveling across vast landscapes bathed in the soft morning light, our African dreams unfold before our eyes.

We decided to explore Kenya for 10 days on a private safari. It is totally worth the experience. It allowed us to customize our itinerary and travel at our own pace and rhythm.

We landed in Nairobi and via road to Masai Mara, our very first stop on this journey.

From Mara, across the savannah where giraffes, elephants, zebras, rhinos, varied antelopes and other animals graze and forage to Naivasha where we walked side by side with beautiful giraffes was indeed a surreal experience, and to the last leg of the trip Amboseli National Park.

Regarding accommodation, we decided to stay in hotels inside the national parks, which gives a luxurious experience while maintaining its traditional allure. Warmth and hospitality are just as beautiful.

Mara Sofa Lodge in Masai Mara, Lake Naivasha Spa Resort in Naivasha, Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge in Amboseli National Park.

One can anticipate only the finest from these lodges due to their excellent location, world-class service, and great meals. The pastoral setting and semi-nomadic lifestyle provide an untainted wilderness to live side by side with animals.

Roaring Masai Mara probably the most prolific wildlife destination on the planet. It holds on as one of the few places left on earth where wildlife still lives comparatively undisturbed, in the numbers that once roamed the plains and forests of Africa.

As the northern tip of the vast Serengeti ecosystem, we were fortunate to experience the migration of many thousands of Wildebeest, Zebras, and attendant predators. The reserve is also one of the few places where it’s possible to see the big five during a morning’s game drive.

The Great Migration is a must-see for every wildlife lover visiting Kenya. Thousands of wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle traverse East Africa in what is without a doubt nature’s most amazing trek.

From mid-August to October, more than a million wildebeest migrate from the Serengeti in neighbouring Tanzania to Kenya’s Maasai Mara, accompanied by hundreds of thousands of Thomson’s gazelle, Zebra, and Eland.

Despite the plethora of videos and photography of the migration available online, nothing comes close to seeing in person the mass movement of animals, lumbering, strutting, and swaying in one of the great wonders of the natural world. We were also fortunate to see the actual hunt of the Cheetah chasing the Antelope.

Amboseli National Park is situated to the south of Nairobi. Most of the park consists of dry, ancient woodland.

With the grassy plains and swamplands of Amboseli National Park, we witnessed an iconic scene – elephants silhouetted against the mighty Mount Kilimanjaro on the border of northern Tanzania.

 After all, this Kenyan Safari was the journey of a lifetime for us!!!