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Well being.

In the moment. 




If we try to dig out some age-old traditions, we will possibly find in every culture, the ways and means to feel a sense of togetherness. 

Here is one of the Danish rituals of enjoying life’s simple pleasures! ‘‘Hygge’’

I came to learn about this ritual in 2020 while reading a book -‘The little book of Lykke: The Danish Search for the World’s Happiest People’ where they briefly mentioned about Hygge. 

The basic idea revolves around the aforementioned list of emotions. With fundamental elements being focused on – Gratitude, Atmosphere, Pleasure, Comfort, and Presence. 

Now, for those who live in Dubai like me creating a warm experience in these hot summers is kind of difficult and unnecessary, so the idea is not to take it literally rather focus on creating warm, feel-good experiences for yourself. 

What made me inspire to incorporate these elements into my lifestyle? 

Cause on one side I am a hustler. Sales and marketing profile does demand that bit of you. By nature, these jobs are designed that way. Which I absolutely love! However, on the other hand, I would like to prioritize relaxing, self-care, and feel-good moments!

Creating life beyond work and home is way more essential. 

I have promised myself to commit my time to activities that resonate with me. If we don’t do it proactively, it is no wonder life will pass just the way it is and we will have the same answer either ‘I never got time’ or ‘I am always busy’ (Now this does not seem like living life, I guess everyone will agree). Being busy is really ‘NOT’ ok. The real question is we are busy doing what? 

So, I have been doing a little digging on what’s an ideal way of spending ‘Me’ time, and here is what I came up with- a LIST (that’s so me), you can try these or add something which is totally aligned to you….

Discover the joy of doing nothing much at all

If you are as restless, super energetic, and ambitious as me, I get that- this would be probably the hardest part to ‘Not do anything!’ Trust me! I have been trying this for so long only to realize I can’t change my original self but maybe I can add a little bit of routine on weekends. Being in nature has changed me. It has taught me patience and beauty in just observing. We go to the beach or park and just sit…Some days I watch the world on Instagram. I miss things off my to-do list but I don’t mind, just being is calming.

“Simple is beautiful. Not always easy, but beautiful. Simple means letting go, refining, honing in on what matters most. Quieting all the noise so you can finally relax and be you.” 


Feel comfortable, safe, and secure

Understand what makes you feel safe – certain people who can listen to you or are easy to talk to … or maybe you always open up to them… certain ambience? For me, I always have felt very connected to home… and its interior plays a huge role….like reading on my favorite recliner, a basket of soft, cozy throws next to a sofa, clean and uncluttered surroundings, natural earthy tones, having green in the home is like bringing nature inside, fresh white duvet and entire bedding set– this creates space, feeling of freshness.

I firmly believe surroundings add a lot to your natural mindset. So be selective about it and keep only things you love.

We recently moved to our new home and it’s all white. An all-white is a bold choice, I must say!

I also have my spiritual corner plus being an earthy person (FYI- my moon is in Capricorn and sun is in Aquarius plus my natural deviation in life is towards tangible outcomes). I find it very grounding and connected. 

Know what your total bliss moment is! 

Organizing, planning, and reading create a total bliss moment for me. Normally, when I am anxious or just when my head is whirling around this is my go-to thing. The best way to put your mind to use is in focused action! 

A conscious choice for good sleep

Can words ever describe what it feels after having a good tight sleep? Find a cozy pillow that suits you and you’re halfway to sweet dreams. 8 to 9 hours of sleep is my priority every day as a result next day I have always felt very fresh and productive. 

Tailored night-time 

Once I am home post-work hours, I intentionally try to be engaged in small moments. Dinner with family, a glass of wine, reading time, pampering myself with a skincare routine, few days I will light up some candles around and try to work on a creative project. 

This little habit of mine is here to stay

You may think handwritten notes or personal letters are way past gone. Well, not for me! I can tell you every person who came into my life so far and if I have connected with them on some level- have received a handwritten note from me. No exception here.

Put some music!

Without music, our lives would be so dull and rightfully so, it moves you…. Do keep a close tap on what are you hearing as it does have the power to affect your mood entirely. 

I keep editing now and then my playlist on Spotify which has mixed-genre from rock band to nice jazz …also to old 60’s Bollywood songs (oh man! This feels so home) or just nature’s music which I play before I hit the bed (I am addicted to this)… 

A conscious choice of having deep conversations 

Dubai is a cosmopolitan city, the best part is you get to meet so many beautiful people across different cultures and form some good healthy friendships along the way. Over the years, I realized this is the best part, spending some quality time. 

True to my aquarian jeans, I have never enjoyed small talks. I prefer having someone, who can hold a conversation about a variety of topics and anything and everything under the sun. And eternally thankful to this city to make me meet some amazing souls !!

The joy of soaking yourself in a warm cup of coffee

A nice coffee session with myself on a weekend or exploring different cafes around the town has become an integral part of my weekend. This is when I just take some time off to think, observe and be with myself. 

Treat yourself to cozy time

Each to its own. Ask yourself what defines ‘cozy’ for you? Being around your favorite people, around nice interiors? Or doing something?

Is it Netflix and chill or spending the weekend afternoon at home snuggling under a blanket watching your favorite movie? For me, it’s been both, and add some long drives, especially at night!!! I and hubby do enjoy this time… at times out of nowhere, we just start the engine and follow the road wherever it takes with no agenda at all. 

Well, what’s the point of having a warm happy home without a big hug from your favorite people. I love it! So here is what you can do… list down what cozy weekends sound to you and try to incorporate them into your daily life bit by bit.   

Be inspired by these ideas. Make room for habits that help you reconnect with yourself and find moments of peace at home.

Finally, don’t forget to live in the moment and enjoy it!