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“People can either inspire you or drain you. Pick wisely.” 

Can’t stress enough to be wise and intentional while choosing people around you.

People we talk to, hang out with and even think about: who occupy our minds and heart constantly.

First and foremost, I have always assumed people are good deep down… when I talk about ‘choose wisely’, it only goes to describe being conscious about people you surround yourself with.

 Well, I do agree not every time we have a choice to choose especially in the workplace, where we end up interacting with multiple people. The whole emphasis is more on inclusion, being empathetic, trying to understand where does other person is coming from and understanding when to be diplomatic and when to be direct, what to speak and what not to speak in front of so and so person. (Quiet a task!)

Saying “I cannot make it work with this person” is never really a solution rather being patient, calming ourselves down, getting in tune with who they really are? What makes them tick? and What pushes their buttons?

You see, the idea in community, society, and at the workplace is to make it work  (in alignment with staying true to yourself) in a given setting with whom so ever you end up with.

This is also fair enough, as this pushes us to think and come up with creative ways. It compels us to look beyond our comfort zone and how we communicate with others.

Such kinds of relationships or settings are also quite helpful to one’s growth I would say. It’s always a good idea to interact with different mindsets. Although, yes there is a lot of effort required, and reword is that we get to understand ourselves through them.

“As much as people refuse to believe it, the company you keep around you does have an impact and influence on your choices.”

Well, I am talking about the part of our lives, where we are truly vulnerable, we let our guard off…where we find a safe place to be ourselves.

“You can not change the people around you. But you can change the people that you choose to be around”

This is where one builds their support system who understands inch and inch of you … there is no rule book as to what one should look for… I for say have always trusted my instincts when getting close to someone or just opening up…as your emotions and energy always knows what is right for you. Emotions never lie!

Although we can’t force our relationships. At times it just happens over time with the right intentions and effort and other times it can be in an instant as well.

I remember, a couple of people I came across in life. We were similar at multiple levels and being like-minded helped our conversations flow in a supremely smooth manner. However, I never opened up.. not for any reason or intention just could not even when there was an opportunity.

And then there were a few, I met and with the first instance itself practically I was quite comfortable showing them my vulnerable side because somewhere deep down my energy knows this is a safe place.  Understanding do you connect with another person in a way you feel like you can see into their soul.

Place where there are no judgments, no explanation, no justification needed.

Just a true expression of what you are going through and how you are feeling at any given point in time. People you trust. Trust that the other person won’t take it in a personal way or try to fix things for you. They say a true secured man or a woman will never try to fix things, they will just listen to as it is…. Because you see sometimes fixing things can give a boost to one’s ego and we unintentionally find places such as conversation to boost ourselves.

“Be around with light-bringers, the magic makers, the world shifters, the game shakers. They challenge you, break you open, uplift and expand you. They don’t let you play small with life. These heartbeats are your people. These people are your tribe. “

One thing I noticed, every conversation emotively moves you. Like one conversation made me feel very energetic and feel good, whereas the other at the end of it made me a bit irritated and agitated.

Over the years with more people I meet, I have concluded that my emotions have a unique way to guide me… yes, it took effort initially where I had to listen hard. Though with practice process has become quite easy.

We all have our inner voice, we just need to be brave enough not to shut it and listen. And then conquer courage to act on it.

 When we fail as and when the storm hits, ‘when practically we get hit by unknows of life..’(which everyone goes to at some point in their life) these are the relationships that will make us far more resilient than we could even think of.

 With him, all I thought was of marriage with a gorgeous love story (which it is by all means) but never knew I was sowing seeds of compassion and empathy all this while. He and a couple of friends are my bedrock in winters!

They say “Being loved is nice and being understood is truly profound“



This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Ashwin Prasad

    That was aptly timed in my life, when I’ve been going through how the closest of people, or atleast the ones I considered close to my as friends and even family members truly behaved unexpectedly and revealed their true colours.

    Wonderful read and great to see you pen down your thoughts after a long time!

    1. eleganceresonance

      Hey thanks Ashwin!! They say, bad times reveal lot to us about everything around including people. Take it as a learning lesson and keep your faith strong! Wish you success 🙂

  2. Swapnil Zatale

    People around is like a sea and we always wanted to take a dip in it. To understand every drop around when u take a dip, is very difficult. Whereas, you have put these thoughts to the point.
    Hoping to read more about it…
    All the best.

    1. eleganceresonance

      True that! Human relations are very complex yet with bit of effort can be most fulfilling. Glad you liked it . Thanks! Stay tune for more…

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