You are currently viewing High Standards and not just High Heels !

“The higher the better. It’s more about an attitude. High heels empower women in a way.”  -Christian Louboutin

Ever wondered wearing just one classic piece of accessories can make you feel so confident.

You can feel the difference in the way you carry yourself, the way you walk, the way you talk.

For me that is heels!!!

The moment I wear them, they uplift my mood. I feel confident and empowering.

By standards, I don’t just stand by wearing fancy clothes and high heels…. I mean measuring standards by quality and values what one stands by.

It is absolutely one’s narrative to set benchmarks for themselves proactively before life presents itself with its reality.

More so, it has become a need of the hour in today’s time, when we are constantly flooded with gazillion options now and then. It’s no longer a luxury!

There have to be some set benchmarks we carry with ourselves in every area… if not, it’s very easy for the society around us to sell their own ideas/beliefs/ philosophies.

If one does not know what they are looking for, people and circumstances around you by default will decide on your behalf.

As a result, one ends up in the passenger seat rather than on the driver’s seat of their own life.

People deciding for others is not new and nothing wrong with that. But all I am saying is whether to accept or to deny should come from a place where one has thought about it and you should decide for yourself.

Standards are more of how you choose to operate in those given circumstances. It does not mean breaking rules and being rebellious for sake of it.

“Raise your standards and the universe will meet you there!”

It takes time and here’s why :

For instance- commitment, determination, perseverance, work ethic, honesty …we can’t expect these qualities magically to be extension of ourselves one fine day.

We can only develop, nurture, and preserve within us. And most importantly practice it every day, surround ourselves with people who understand this.

“Standards we set for ourselves are often a reflection of us”

Growing up largely, we all are thought the importance of having values in life. However, as we travel through life, we connect with the outside world and due to peer pressure or sometimes just because it’s convenient not to follow these, we are distracted to take an easy route.

We often don’t realize at first time what we are doing.

But here is what I learned- if first time itself we don’t resist ourselves from lowering our standards.. chances are in the future we will do it again when there are pressing times.

When tough times come, it is human to follow the pattern. To do naturally what we already know and what we are used to and hence we must train our mind to be in control of our values when time is easy on us.

“Tough times test you, it is when times are easy one has to train oneself.”

In this way, we are just preparing ourselves for a better future.

How it helps:

If we live up to what we set as standards, then there is no way and no need in fact to sell ourselves short.

At utmost true self, we must be clear about who we are, what we want, what are our non-negotiable, and what are negotiable.

In this process, you will realize, what others see as a very high expectation in you is nothing but a reflection of themselves. Not your limitation at all.

In case you fail, which we all do when trying new things in a new way, failure should not let us lower our expectations of ourselves, in fact, it should motivate us to learn, improve what one needs to and come back with higher benchmarks for ourselves.

If you are not getting what you want, walk away. Don’t lower your standards just because there is nothing around.

It helps you to create your own path in life. 

What one can do to achieve:

Having standards is saying in another way to be selective.

Firstly, it does require you to think, to decide for yourself. For that to happen you might need to break beyond your comfort zone, unlearn about yourself, and relearn in your own way.

This requires time, energy, and very importantly our ability to shut all the noises around us so that we can see ourselves in our truest form.

Once we know about ourselves, setting a benchmark is easy and just a mere way of saying that these are the things, values I stand by, or what I need to work on for me to eventually become so and so person.  

We need to understand this is a work in progress and will be as always. Because it takes time to peel all the layers of ourselves and deep dive within.

It gives us the blueprint of values and it will surely spare you from low-quality experiences in life.

Always remember, you are worth it!Â