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Finally, I made it!!! After hours of procrastination and trying ample of times to start a blog and then to get tied up in the daily realities of life… here I am, writing my very first blog post. Hurrayyyyy!!! 

Well, I am super excited to start with…  As there is so much I would like to share on the way I perceive life- emotions, realities, ideas, philosophies… everything and anything under the sun.

HOLD ON! Before I dive into it further…let me introduce myself… been writing, dancing, giving my public speeches, and studying hard to make one day in the corporate world to falling in love to exploring tons of jobs in different industries to finding myself and my space is what my life has been till now… with ample of ups and downs, twists and turns .. I questioned literally everything around … I still do. 

True to my Aquarian gene, my curiosity to find the meaning in life and to experience it to its ultimate potential has led me to read about Buddhism, Taoism, Numerology, Bhagvat Geeta, Quran…to Osho’s and Krishna’s philosophies ….and yet learning every single day something new…

From my 3 AM notes to writing in random city cafes… to sleepless nights where I felt my thoughts will be always unheard and finally craving to give it an outlet compelled me to pursue my passion… 

It all started by age 6 (At least that’s what I could remember as of now),  where writing was all about school essays… and to those romantic letters in my teenage years … writing quotes or paragraphs which used to inspire me from some random magazine or local newspaper and books… especially the ‘Sunday times’ …Oh, I tell you…I used to eagerly wait every Sunday just to get hold of that section. I do a journal about my goals… my dream life…. visions…things I feel utmost grateful for…about relationships, life, career…..and so on…

Lately, to a point where Insta and WhatsApp seem like the only platform I could think of to share my thoughts… That’s when I realized, why don’t I give ‘Blogging’ a shot (well, that was pretty soon Ankeeta!)

All I would want to say in my first interaction with you through this platform is- I promise, to take you on an interesting journey with me…. through life and it’s all beautiful aspects…

 I promise I will be utmost honest with you… Yes, sometimes it may sound a little direct…maybe emotional…dramatic…but that’s how I guess life is! It’s never in one shade. Also, I deny seeing it that way… I wish to explore the full dimensions of life when we are on this journey….

So, stay tuned, and let’s keep this as an open conversation between you and me… 

Until next time…

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Soni

    Inspiring ❤

    1. eleganceresonance

      Thanks Soni 🙂

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