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In these overwhelming times, gone are those days when the weekend was meant to be laying around in bed and do nothing. 🙆🏻‍♀️

It may give us an illusion that we are relaxing versus where we know the only way to feel relaxed is to get our head on straight. 🤔

“Ordinary people think merely of spending time, great people think of using it.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

There are many ways to declutter our mind and one of the ways which I would like to share is – spending a few hours at café.

We can always make it fun by adding some music on our headphones 🎧, exploring beautiful cafes, and finding one cozy corner where we can station ourselves for hours over a coffee ☕️.

This surely seems like finding my clam in an urban jungle. What more to ask for! 🧘🏻‍♀️

Life is too complicated for not to be organized and not to introspect weekly.

By one week, so much has already happened, if we don’t pause and process it just becomes a noise after a point. A noise which leads to a downward spiral of emotions eventually.

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways”- Sigmund Freud

There are times, even when we try to express, it is just the time and place is not right. We are so preoccupied mentally, emotionally, and physically… we seem unapproachable.

If the goal is to be productive and get some work done then, let’s be flexible on creating an environment that will aid us to achieve the same. 💪🏻

One can always argue, it’s just a fancy way. Cause when something has to be done, you will get it done no matter what! Well, to an extent I agree with you on that!!

However, how about those days when we feel low or when possibly nothing seems to work or more so over when procrastination becomes our best friend?

Let’s not underestimate how much space can influence our mood!

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” ~ Stephen Covey

So, both of us- me and my husband have decided (or more so I have persuaded him) that we got to spend at least one afternoon of a weekend in a café. And mainly because we love to work on things which we like individually.

Me and him are a little different in the way that we do things by ourselves when we need space and then do things together when we crave each other’s time. All this with silent understanding.

Sometimes, both of us work on our separate laptops 💻…other times we do sit together on one laptop and discuss our travel plans, about future, what worked out well in the past… and what didn’t …what we are missing in daily lives over a hot cup of latte…other times, it’s our finances and investments we discuss…. Or just read a good book 📖on a lazy sunny afternoon. 

To date, irrespective of whether we make it or not, I make it a point to discuss what we are internally going through every weekend. (No exception).

I think coffee shops can be a great place to get some work done. Especially if, you are someone who seems to thrive in the hustle and bustle that a busy cafe provides. 

“It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about?” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Over the years, we realized when we give each other liberty just to talk without any agenda, we get to know each other in so many new ways. Whoa!!

You might need to consider this with your friend, or partner or may be with yourself. Being in your own company is also equally rewarding.

I might have romanticized the whole episode of going to a café given my love for it 😅, but point is to ‘pause and introspect’.

Each to its own, it works wonderfully for both of us individually and together as well.

Don’t forget to give it a shot next time you get some extra time on a weekend evening.