Spain road trip
Spain Road Trip
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Embarking our Al Andalusia southern Spain crazy adventure via road trip in 2 weeks was super exciting.  Spain has been on my list forever. A country rich in history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, beckons travelers with its irresistible charm.  From the bustling streets of Madrid to the serene beaches of Barcelona, every corner of this Iberian gem offered…

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Georgia seems our go to destination every time we have couple of leaves on our hand given its just 3 hours direct flight from Dubai.  We have been here couple of times , but first time for us was 2017 Dec.  I thought of documenting our travel memories through pictures. Tucked away in the…

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

When we think of the Netherlands, the first few things that cross my mind are its canals, windmills, tulips, cheese making, Dutch pancakes, nightlife and their love for bicycles. And of course, Amsterdam for its museums to the redlight area, from cafes and coffee shops to streets filled with restaurants, and so much more!…

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  • Reading time:14 mins read

To the land of stunning natural beauty, enhanced by centuries of unique arts … its distinctive culture fascinates almost the entire world… one of the global economic superpowers…to the land of samurai, sushi and bonsai ..manga and Godzilla.. to the land of rising sun. Japan has so much to offer.  From the futuristic bustling…

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

O-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh….In the Jungle, the mighty jungle, the lions sleep tonight. In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lions sleep tonight…. "Some places where one travels, drinks, eats, explores the city, immerses oneself in the culture, and comes back with tons of memories. and then others touch your soul on so many levels… Kenya…

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Moment on the lens, as magical as it could get, Kenya was truly a trip of a lifetime. We spent 10 days at Masai mara- Lake Naivasha - Amboseli embracing ourselves in an authentic African experience. With endless plains that are full of wildlife, rolling hills, and lush mountains it left us speechless. Kenya…

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

India being such a multicultural and diverse nation, exploring its every corner is definitely what fancies me. Long sequestered in the laps of the Himalayas, Sikkim has evolved into a favorite destination for many tourists. Sandwiched between the kingdoms of Nepal in the west and Bhutan in the East lies this paradise- the Indian…

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Exploring Scotland: Mystical Landscapes and Charming Villages Nestled in the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands, the Isle of Skye took our heart with its dramatic landscapes and enchanting villages. Portree, the island's largest town, serves as a gateway to this mystical land of towering mountains, crystal-clear lochs, and ancient ruins. Isle of Skye:…

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  • Reading time:22 mins read

On one fine Saturday evening, this random thought crossed my mind. Thought of traveling! Traveling to a far distant place where life can re-introduce itself to us in a new way. Somewhere on this journey, I want to stop and celebrate all that has been till now and create lifetime memories. Take a random…

Continue ReadingSeychelles!
  • Reading time:5 mins read

London with its rich tapestry of landmarks, museums, and neighborhoods, the British capital offered us an unforgettable journey through the ages. We began our exploration with a visit to its most iconic landmarks. First, we marveled at the grandeur of Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the British monarchy, and witnessed the Changing of…

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