You are currently viewing Amsterdam, Netherlands

When we think of the Netherlands, the first few things that cross my mind are its canals, windmills, tulips, cheese making, Dutch pancakes, nightlife and their love for bicycles.

And of course, Amsterdam for its museums to the redlight area, from cafes and coffee shops to streets filled with restaurants, and so much more!

Also, at the same time for a history lover like me, it took me to the period of the Dutch resistance to the Nazi occupation during world war 2.

On the very first day we landed, the weather was a bit cold and rainy. I was just enjoying and experiencing the vibe of Amsterdam with an open mind. I have heard so much about it.

I had mixed feelings in terms of not knowing what to expect at the same time excited to see what this city has to offer.

We took a black Tesla from the airport to our hotel which was one of the world famous narrow houses of Damrak (slightly tilted -yes, this is common in Amsterdam) and located near Amsterdam Central – in the heart of the city center. The view was gorgeous.

For all the days, it was more of taking a stroll around, exploring streets, shopping, eating, going with the flow….more of a relaxed setting.

For breakfast, I had a traditional and world-famous Dutch pancake. This is usually larger and much thinner than the thick and fluffy American pancakes. At PANCAKES Amsterdam, we got a delicious thin pancake with a diameter of 32 cm.

Something you cannot miss, and it was super fun is the entire Heineken experience which is an immersive brand experience that takes you through the story of Heineken. The staff is super chatty and fun – we were just happy to have the freshest brewed beer and a couple of hours of laughter walking through it. Loved it! Highly recommend.

Later in the day, we visited the Anne Frank Museum, which has an attic in which she spent the last years of her life. Anne Frank’s diary has become a world classic – a powerful reminder of the horrors of war.

I felt nostalgic going through the museum from one room to the other because I read the Diary of Anne Frank in 9th grade. And seeing in person the secret annexure, going through the history of Nazi rule in the Netherlands, and the brutal reality of concentration camps, was surreal.

We took a day trip via train to the village of Zaanse Schans, famous for its traditional windmills. This area has been a sight of windmills since the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century! Few of them are open as of today to visit.

We had an amazing breakfast and lunch with local food at ‘Het Zaanse Bakkertje’- freshly made -it tasted delicious.

Apart from that, we also went to a clog wooden shoe workshop & cheese farm. Cute Dutch country houses with tulip fields around them make it quite serene and picture-perfect.

Be prepare to walk a lot, miles & miles around! We made some crazy memories in Amsterdam.