Hello there! I am Ankeeta. Thank you for stopping by!

Being passionate about LIFE and everything it has to offer, my purpose to start this blog is to share my true voice and hopefully inspire others to strive for their authentic self!

For the longest time I wanted to create a digital dairy to reflect on my life journey experiences and growth over time. 

“The aim is to live, to love, and to conquer.”

We are the accumulation of everything we have seen, the places we have been, the things we have done.”

Before I dive into it further, all I wanna say- today, I am at a good place in life. 

Not because it’s an ideal life rather because, by each passing day I am getting better and better at living life aligned to my true self.

I am the sum total of experiences I have worked for & what came my way. 

Being still work in progress, my only wish is may this wonderful life always guide me on an unfolding road. 💫

However, a year back all this seemed impossible. It did take a lot of designing and redesigning my life. Going from someone unable to resonate with anything around to finding my inner self. We will talk more about it in my upcoming blog posts.

” Lifestyle is the art of discovering ways to live uniquely” – Jim Rohn 

Few quick things:

  • The day doesn’t start until I’ve had a cup of coffee and it doesn’t end until I’ve read a few pages of a good book. 
  • Over the years, Journaling has become a very dear habit of mine, and something I’m so thankful I did and am continuing to do.
  • I am a loud thinker. It looks really weird when someone sees me nonstop walking around the house and talking to myself. Well, I think it has more to do when you are an Aquarian (air signs are extremely well known for being switched-on creatures whose minds are forever racing and thinking deeply about one thing or another- Just FYI). That is so me!
  • I have got a fetish about only wearing gowns on my Bday- 13th FEB . Yes, I go around hopping from store to store starting every December to find my perfect gown. (I have written a post on it, Do check out Click here)
  • Meeting different people, knowing their stories, thought process, and traveling around the globe fascinates me the most. 
  • I am a vegetarian since childhood and also thought of eating another soul that doesn’t quite gel with me.
  • I do write with my right hand but eat with my left hand. TADA!!!!
  • Since age 4, performing on stage is what I enjoy the most. Ask me to be on a stage and I will never, never say ‘NO’. That is where I thrive!
  • I got one tattoo on my left hand which symbolizes ‘Infinity’/ Number 8 
  • I am a firm believer in handwritten notes
  • Interior designing makes me the happiest. It is extremely fulfilling to curate a space that is a true reflection of you as a person
  • Taking care of myself mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically forms the cornerstone of my life.  

I would love to know about what brings you here on my page or for any questions or queries or just in case you feel to share your thoughts on something I wrote. Shoot an email to me here and I will for sure reply to you!  

NOTE: I have always believed life is not one size fits all. What I share over here are purely my thoughts and you may disagree with all the right reasons. That is absolutely fine.