You are currently viewing A Dot.

Hello there!! How are you? 

Look at this laptop cover… isn’t it beautiful? I quite liked it.

Well, I know it’s just a cover and nothing fancy about it… but hold on, hear me out.

What if I tell you, having a world map has always helped me to get things in perspective. WHATTTTT???

Yes! When things are in hurry and I get carried away (which I always do) with my daily worries. At times, I just stop by while sipping a cup of my coffee and staring at this cover.

With approx 7.5 billion people on the earth, you often wonder, do I even matter? Maybe because of the way the world looks – pretty huge and enormous!

Does hustle and bustle of our daily life even matter? Are we just dragging life- getting up, making sure to do our responsibilities, getting all the daily chores done, climbing the mountain, be a part of the rat race, and is this what all life is? (Pretty heavy question, I must say while sipping a cup of coffee) 

“A Dot!!!

That’s what we look like right? In this magnificent Universe.


A Dot. “

Able to create a ripple effect of influence, greatness, kindness, and compassion or whatever we desire to manifest in this world.”

To elaborate it further, a few months back I shared my journey on being a hyperactive person and through planting at home and finding minimalism, I found my calm in chaos, a method to my madness, a certain choice in midst of several roads, clarity of vision in midst of the flurry.

Trust me, it was a very simple day-to-day thing to share with someone.

But you won’t believe it, one of my friends wrote back to me that how it just motivated him to act on those lines and it’s been so deeply fulfilling for him. WHOA!

Well, that’s when I knew we often underestimate the effect of our actions and words can have on someone. Don’t you agree? Which further compelled me to consider a ‘Ripple Effect’ philosophy which literally means effect from one event setting off a chain of events.

Today it did influence ‘one person. And naturally, my friend will speak about it or share his experience and so on…eventually for it to inspire somewhere down the road to 2 more people may be… to 5 to 10 to these 10 people sharing to influence another 10 to one day it will create a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration.

I am sure when you think about it, you can remember a plethora of beautiful experiences of your own. Where you shared something and eventually it motivated someone to act.


All that I am saying here is, we can choose to give importance to just ‘one’ person or the effect we have on that ‘one person. It does matter.

So next time, when you come across a world map or a globe,

Do you see yourself as just ‘A DOT’?


Someone who is capable of making waves?

The choice is always ours.